Decisions decisions....
3.30.2006Seeing as it is spring break I finally have time to sit down at the computer and do a much needed up date to my blog. As school is drawing to an end I realized I should try to figure out what I want to do with my life after grade 12. I came to the conclusion that bible school was the answer. Now that I have that figured out, I need to choose a school. I thought I came to the conclusion of going to SBC, it had a lot of pros to it, it's close to home so I won't miss Hailey, Darcy and the rest of my family too much, I would know a bunch of people going there so I wouldn't be all alone, I've heard a lot of good about the profs there, and it is close to Tim Hortons. This past Wednesday to Thursday a few of my friends and I went to SBC's Discovery Days. It went all right, but I came home a little dissapointed. The people were really nice and we stayed with a really cool girl in dorm, the profs were for the most part good, but I didn't feel like it was the right place for me. The school was too small for me, you think that I'd be used to it coming from Rosenort but I was hoping for a little bit more than SBC has to offer. Maybe I am just being too picky. So when I got home I checked out the Prov site as well as Briercrest. I am getting information on both places and friday I am going to a concert at Prov with some friends to check it out. I secretly want to go to Briercrest and a lot of people have told me to go, but I don't know how I can leave Darcy, Hailey, and the rest of my family behind. I would miss them all so much. Even though I only plan to go for 1 semester it would be hard to leave them. And then there is also the fear that I would love it too much and want to go back for the second semester, or 2nd, 3rd or 4th year. Or maybe I shouldn't go to bible school this year, I could work, or go to Red River, or UofM. many choices in life...I wish someone could make them for me!!! Well anyways....Maybe one day I will figure things out. So in the mean time if you have comments, questions or suggestions I would really appreciate your input!!!