More Weekend Updates Minus the Pictures
Saturday I slept in and Darcy came over for a late lunch. I made cheese eggs and bagels, it was delish. After lunch we walked to the store to pick up some things for Sunday lunch. After realizing how beautiful it was outside we decided to get on our snow gear and go walking around our yard. (Pictures to come!) Amber and Hailey came over for supper and we then proceeded to do the same puzzle twice! Yes, that is right the same puzzle back to back. This may sound odd (and it is) but we have a favorite family puzzle. It is a zoo puzzle sort of...just a lot of different animals and we have gotten pretty good at it (except for those silly foxes!!) anyways we decided to time ourselves and see how fast we could do it. The first time took us around 32 minutes, the second 28. So we have recorded our times and plan to beat it sometime in the near future. Darcy and I then headed to his place where he worked on his baptism questions and I finished up some thank you cards. Let me tell you that is the worst part about weddings!!! I have written out countless thank you cards and am not done yet! Don't get me wrong I am very thankful for all the wonderful gifts we got...It's just a lot of thank you's to go around! Sunday was our 3 year anniversary!! After church Darcy and I went to his place for lunch. Lisa, his mom and dad were in Carmen for church since it was Kelli's last Sunday here. Darcy made a wonderful lunch (pictures to come), and then we went to
I am SO anxious to beat our 28 minute puzzle record, you would not even believe it!! Those foxes need to be shot by a mighty hunter, that's for sure.
Sounds like your thank-you card stash is slowly depleating in numbers. Even though you have written out so many already I'm still positive you'll have some left to hand out for your 50th wedding anniversary ;)
Can't wait til you post your date night goggle cute!
OH, and one more thing! Can you BELIEVE that neither one of us mentioned the pool experience in Fargo????? HELLO! 7/10 isn't quite a good enough ratio for us I guess!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm extremely impressed with the puzzle times, maybe we'll have to get you a huuuuge puzzle for your wedding, wouldn't you like that!? And IMAX is soooo underrated. Chad and I were just talking about it the other day and how much we wanted to go see one. Confession: I haven't got my hands on One Single Roll Up The Rim Cup Since It Began. Much deprived over here.
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