I stopped by Am's house for a little afternoon visit after school. (Ok, actually I skipped class to go there....shhh, don't tell). Hailz was napping (which was a bummer, because that is the only reason I stop by....shhh, don't tell) so Am & I were talking in the living room. She ran downstairs to answer the business phone and a few minutes later I hear a little feeble voice yelling upstairs "Raquel......do you kill spiders?" Why yes, yes I do. So, I ran downstairs to help her out and as I stepped on the basement floor Am said "Don't step there......." but it was too late. Poor spidey got squashed beneath my bare foot. It was funny. It was a huge spider. Now I am going to wash the filth off my foot.
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on 4.12.2006 at 2:18 PM.
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Look at you, blogging about this silly little story :) I think you secretly like blogging! Thanks for killing that spider....even without meaning too. It was great! Much easier than getting a kleenex and having to go throught the horror of pinching it between your fingers. And you didn't even freak out, I'm impressed and definitely not surprised.
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